Are You Feeling Lost, Overwhelmed and Overworked as a Business Owner?

content strategy online business May 31, 2022
strategy and direction

Running your online business is no easy feat. The best way to stay on top of things, avoid overwhelm, and use your time and energy to create the most significant impact is to define effective and efficient processes for growing your business. 


Understand and Set Your Priorities  

Many small business owners end up aimlessly creating content, doing a bit of this and a bit of that and feeling accomplished by showing up online or creating a new podcast episode or blog post. But the most crucial question here is: how much time did you spend on your business, and what is your return? Do you understand what moves the needle in your business? Do you know how to make money in your business? What do you need to do to create that perfect flow? 


Dedicated Time And Focus

Many of the small business owners I work with start out by having a side hustle and working on growing their business into a full-time gig. Time is precious and limited. It is super important that you show up for your business with total dedication. When you say you will be working on your business, put the do not disturb notifications on, put your phone on aeroplane mode if needed, stop your social media scrolls and dedicate your time and full effort to what you are doing. 


Understand Who Your Ideal Customers Are! 

Having clarity and understanding about who your ideal customer is may be the key to your success. You might be wondering, why is it so important to identify your ideal customer? The answer is easy: when you can describe her/him/them in precise detail, you go beyond that one description and can talk to many of your ideal customers who will want, need and love your content, your product and services.  


When you focus on specific details such as what they like, what they don't like, and their needs, dreams and fears, you will be able to show up with content that connects with them. You will never worry again about what to say or write because you will very clearly know what to create in your next social media post, blog post or podcast episode. 


You'll easily create content and offers to their wants and needs, and your ideal customers will be happy to buy from you. I've created this amazing free Guide Book to Help you Dig Deep About Your Ideal Customer & Start Generating Consistent Sales. 




Stop That Shiny Object Syndrome And Get Scrappy 

There is always a new course to take to learn how to do something better, a new tool to create better videos, a fancy scheduling tool that promises you a higher conversion, the latest hashtag trend tracker subscription before you can start making those perfect posts, videos and start selling your offer. I have a news flash for you: you don't need any of that. Just get moving, just stay focused and don't get distracted by all the constantly evolving offers that target your social feed.

I encourage you to stay open to constantly learning about the new trends and tools in your business but don't get confused about this by wanting to try all the latest tools and things on the market. When you pick a tool, a platform, or a system, there is a good chance that it has a learning curve, and you will have to invest time and energy to learn how to optimise its usage. For example, I experimented with a few course hosting platforms before settling with Kajabi. Is Kajabi perfect? Honestly saying, I am not sure...However, it was the ideal online course hosting and CRM platform for MY business because I can keep everything in one place. Kajabi hosts my website, my upcoming courses, my database, blog and my whole email marketing platform - all this without having to code and be techy about any of this. 


Make a Plan And Stick To It  

Instead of doing a bit of this and a bit of that, copying successful business owners, celebrities and influencers in your niche, create a plan and consistently show up to do it. Commit for the next three months to show up consistently. Find accountability if you need it to get help to stay on track, stay confident, and have clarity along your journey. Running a business is not a sprint, and you want to be in it for the long haul. Running a Marathon requires a clear training plan, stamina and the right gear. Like in business, you need preparation, a clear strategy that will get you on the road to consistent sales and success and your right gear is a supportive community. 


Are you feeling lost, overwhelmed and overworked as an online business owner? Are you looking to upscale your business but don't have the right strategy to support your goals? Feeling frustrated about not making progress and feeling overwhelmed by all the market noise and your endless to-do lists? Let me help you get clarity and direction in your business! My Brand Strategy Intensive was created with busy business owners in mind. During the 90 minutes call, I help you: 

  • Get clarity on how to grow your business with a step-by-step plan and none of the hustle. 
  • Set goals and milestones to get organized with a clear content strategy 
  • Success Tracker and a Personalised Roadmap to align priorities, time-, and task management.

Send us an email at [email protected] and book a call with us to help you create a strategy for successfully growing your business,