Should You Use Pinterest Idea Pins?

pinterest social media Sep 06, 2022

Pinterest is one of the best platforms for growing an online business. It is undoubtedly my favourite for getting visibility for my brand. And if you're looking to gain massive engagement on Pinterest, you will want to start using idea pins. These unique kinds of pins work wonders, similar to Instagram Stories, Reels, and YouTube shorts, by reaching many people who may eventually become your followers.

However, if you have no idea how to boost your engagement using idea pins or are a first-time user, you're at the perfect place! Pinterest created some valuable Tips for Making your First Idea Pin, and I'll show you just how to do that in detail in this article.

By the time you're done reading this post, you will be crystal clear on the next steps and how to start using Idea Pins on Pinterest. Let's get started!

What you need to know about Idea Pins is that they are placed into six content categories. Here are the six different categories, and with some creativity and inspiration, you will be able to choose the ones that fit the best your style: 


What are Pinterest Idea Pins?  


#1. Instructional

It is one of the best ways to market yourself by providing tutorials and even DIY videos.

  • You can create instructional pins by teaching your audience something new, exciting and valuable. It could be skills, how-tos, or tips and tricks you do to increase productivity as an entrepreneur.
  • Use videos, texts, and voiceovers to make your content and message clear and easy to understand. This approach also helps to keep your audience involved. You can add affiliate links and walk them through the process step-by-step.
  • You can share inspirational ideas and solutions to a problem or show how you create something from scratch. 


#2. Comparison

Now, here's the exciting part! You can show your audience multiple ways to use a single product and compare the different outcomes. Viewers are looking for better, faster, easier and more fun solutions to their problems. People have the "what's in it for me" mentality. They are thinking of how they can buy less, save more, and use more. Viewers usually tilt toward content that teaches them how to get more value out of something regardless of the topic.

  • If you're a yoga teacher, Pinterest hints that you can show your followers how to achieve their perfect downward dog when someone is a newbie to yoga with zero hip flexibility.
  • When you connect with your audience through your idea pins, they will certainly look forward to your next piece of content and start following your work. Isn't that a lovely way to start a friendship with a potential customer? You serve them until they want to buy from you.

#3. Quick Tip

Pinterest suggests another way to use idea pins is by sharing quick tips. It's similar to creating inspirational pins, except that you don't need long videos or text content, quite the opposite.

  • For example, If you're an online marketer, you can share valuable tips to help your audience grow and navigate their businesses. Offer one helpful solution to one specific problem.
  • This would also work great if you create content as a food blogger by sharing simple recipes that your audience would love. Be unique with what you do, and keep it as short and clear as possible. That's why the name "quick tips".


#4. Storyteller

Tell an interesting and inspiring story about yourself or your business. Share how you have built your business, journey, and challenges and conquered those. Share something that inspires others.

  • Using the idea pins frame-by-frame format, tell people about the story behind your brand. You can also use this to show them the step-by-step process of how and why you created your products and services.


#5. Showcase

According to Pinterest, showcasing what you do is an excellent way to make the best use of idea pins. All you need to do is to start the video recording of what you're doing while your audience sits back and watches.

  • There is no need for adding complicated instructions or voiceovers to these types of pins, just pure quality content in action.
  • Using idea pins will help you showcase your services and products while allowing your audience to make contributions to it by sharing their take


#6. Conversations

This is more like the question sticker on Instagram. With idea pins, you can source questions from your followers, like the next content they want to see or the next product they would like you to review. These questions can serve as content ideas for your next idea pin.

  • This is also a perfect way to collaborate with other experts on Pinterest and have them share ideas with your audience. What a perfect way to build your community with an audience that is already interested in what you have to offer. 



Pinterest highlights that "The foundation of a great Idea Pin is a great idea. Plan around your passions, picking topics and ideas you genuinely care about. It's easier to make great content when you're excited about it, and your authenticity will come through in your final content."

By choosing your topics carefully and doing what you love, you will create content that attracts your target audience and helps you to tell your brand story while also building your community. Combining creativity with your passion will help you make great use of Pinterest's idea pins. In case you want to learn more about Pinterest, you can check out these recent posts about How to Write High Converting Pin Descriptions or the Beginners Guide To Nail Your Pinterest Strategy