Why Knowing your Ideal Customer is Key to Generating Leads

content strategy digital marketing online business May 09, 2022
Identifying Your Ideal Customer

Are you feeling stuck because somehow you cannot articulate what you want to say? Do you think you are talking into thin air without connecting with your audience? You have so much to say but are unsure how to express yourself and find the audience you want to talk to? 


A Writer's Block? No. It is not... 

This is not a writer's block or imposter syndrome, but it is a lack of clarity and understanding of who you're serving and for what reason. Without having clarity about your Ideal Customers, who they are, and what they want and need, your business might not survive. 


Your Ideal Customer is your Dream Customer

Why is it so important to identify your Ideal Customer? Because when you can describe her/him/them in precise detail, you go beyond that one description and start talking to many of your ideal customers who will want, need and love your content, your product and services.  

When you focus on specific details such as what they like, what they don't like, and their needs, dreams and fears, you will be able to show up with content that connects with them. That talks to them, engage them and get them to pay attention to what you have to say. You will never worry again about what to say or write because you will very clearly know what to create in your next social media post, blog post, online course or podcast episode. Why? Because you will have a clear vision about who you are talking to and how they are listening to you.  


You'll easily create content and offers tailored to their wants and needs, and your ideal customers will be happy to buy from you. 


How to Serve your Customers the Best Way? 

If you are not making money with your business, all you have is an expensive hobby. - Please, read this again! I know you have a great business idea, created some services, built your website and are ready to roll. You just need customers coming in... However, they don't, and you wonder why.

Perhaps you do need more clarity about understanding who your perfect customers are, and to help you find that clarity, I've created a very useful guide that you can print out and use to define your very own ideal customer.

Spare no details and dig deep at every question. The more details you compile about your Ideal Customers (and target audience), the easier it will be to build a community around your brand and convert your followers into raving fans and, of course, paying customers. If you need more information about why it's important to know your Ideal Customers in great detail, read this recent post about the Beginner's Guide to Identifying your Ideal Customers